A continuación una clasesilla que implemente, para realizar la permutación de String en Java.
La idea es la siguiente, si usted le pasa la palabra "cat", la clase hace cat.length! permutaciones con las diferentes combinaciones para esta cadena, es decir:
[act, atc, cat, cta, tac, tca]
A continuación el código (perdón por los comentarios en ingles):
La idea es la siguiente, si usted le pasa la palabra "cat", la clase hace cat.length! permutaciones con las diferentes combinaciones para esta cadena, es decir:
[act, atc, cat, cta, tac, tca]
A continuación el código (perdón por los comentarios en ingles):
* Useful class to figure out the permutation of the strings.
* @author jsanca
public class StringPermutations {
* Use this method to figure out the permutation of the String.
* @param string
* @return collection with the permutation.
public static CollectiondoPermutations(String string) {
CollectionpermutationsCollection = new TreeSet ();
// verify the trival case, the permutation of 1 is 1, anything else, will use the permutation.
permutationsCollection.addAll((string.length() == 1) ? Arrays.asList(string)
: permutations(string, string.length()));
return permutationsCollection;
} // permutations.
/// apply the shiftleft over the string
private static String shiftleft(String s) {
return new StringBuilder(s.substring(1)).append(s.substring(0, 1))
} // shiftleft.
private static Collectionpermutations(String string, int depth) {
Collectionpermutations = new ArrayList ();
if (depth >= 1) {
// do the permutations of the current string.
// do the permutations of the next string.
permutations.addAll(permutations(shiftleft(string), --depth));
return permutations;
} // permutation.
private static Collectionpermutations(String string) {
Collectionpermutations = new HashSet ();
String subSet = null;
// stop condition, this is the trivial case for the items.
if (string.length() == 2) {
// basic permutation.
permutations(permutations, string.substring(0, 1), string
} else {
// do the permutations merging the index with the rest of the subset.
for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); ++i) {
subSet = buildString(string, i);
// combinate the index with the permutation of the rest of the subset.
permutations(permutations, string.subSequence(i, i + 1),
permutations(subSet, subSet.length()));
return permutations;
} // permutations.
// create a string except the "i" index.
private static String buildString(String string, int i) {
String buildString = null;
if (i == 0) {
buildString = string.substring(1);
} else {
if (i == string.length() - 1) {
buildString = string.substring(0, string.length() - 1);
} else {
buildString = new StringBuilder(string.substring(0, i)).append(
string.substring(i + 1)).toString();
return buildString;
} // buildString.
private static void permutations(Collectionpermutations,
CharSequence permutation1, CharSequence permutation2) {
permutations.add(new StringBuilder(permutation1).append(permutation2)
permutations.add(new StringBuilder(permutation2).append(permutation1)
} // permutations.
private static void permutations(Collectionpermutations,
CharSequence aPermutation, Collectionpermutation) {
CharSequence otherPermutation = null;
for (Iteratoriterator = permutation.iterator(); iterator
.hasNext();) {
otherPermutation = iterator.next();
permutations.add(new StringBuilder(aPermutation).append(
} // permutations.
} // E:O:F:Permutations.
* Util class for Math operations.
* @author jsanca
public class MathUtil {
* Calculate the factorial of the number, if it is negative, it will figure out like C++ uint.
* @param number Some number
* @return if the number is 0 will returns 1, in other case will returns the factorial:
* n! = 1 * 2 * 3 * 4 * ... * (n-1) * n
public static double factorial(double number) {
return (0 >= number) ? 1 :
number * factorial(number - 1);
Acá va en Perl uno que hice.
..Espero que esta vara no salga muy despichado.
open(FILE_OUTPUT, ">@ARGV[0]"); #in case the output is
$| = 1;
&permutate("abcd", 1);
#stores the entry length, so that it can be utilized after the recursive call
$entryDepth = undef;
#string vector of size n (n = string length) used to keep the record of the last permutations
@permStateVector = ();
#calls permutateRec with a fixed deph and initializes the permutation state vector
#@toFile is a boolean parameter that if true permits writing to a file
sub permutate{
my $string = shift;
my $toFile = shift;
my $depth = length($string);
@permStateVector = &fillPermStateVector(0, $string, @permStateVector);
&permutateRec($string, $depth, $toFile);
#gets all the permutations in a string and prints them out.
#Printing to a file optional
sub permutateRec{
my $string = shift;
my $depth = shift;
my $toFile = shift;
for (my $i = 1; $i <= $depth; $i++){
$entryDepth = $depth if ($entryDepth == undef);
if ($depth == 1){
my $entry = &permutateEntry(length($string) - $entryDepth, @permStateVector);
print $entry."\n";
print FILE_OUTPUT $entry."\n" if ($toFile);
$entryDepth = undef;
&permutateRec($string, $depth - 1, $toFile);
#modifies the permutation state vector by changing an entry in a specific position
# with a new permutation. After the single entry is modified, the rest of the entries
# in the vector are filled with the new entry (starting from that specific position)
sub permutateEntry{
my $pos = shift;
@permStateVector = @_;
my $entry = @permStateVector[$pos];
$entry = substr($entry, 0, $pos).
&shiftLeftCharsStr(substr($entry, $pos), 1);
@permStateVector = &fillPermStateVector($pos, $entry, @permStateVector);
return $entry;
#shift-lefts a string a specific number of characters
sub shiftLeftCharsStr{
my $string = shift;
my $charsNumber = shift;
my $newString = substr($string, $charsNumber).
substr($string, 0, $charsNumber);
return $newString;
#fills the permutation state vector with the same string starting from a specific position
sub fillPermStateVector{
my $startingPos = shift;
my $string = shift;
my @permStateVector = @_;
for (my $i = $startingPos; $i < length($string); $i++){
@permStateVector[$i] = $string;
return @permStateVector;